The Colors of Tailwind CSS: Management, Customization, and Arbitrary Values

Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework, has caught the attention of web developers with its design simplicity and efficiency. One feature that stands out is how it handles colors — offering an extensive palette that is customizable and conveniently incorporated directly into HTML. This article reveals the ways of managing, using, and customizing colors in Tailwind CSS while also exploring a lesser-known facet: the use of arbitrary values.

A Rainbow at Your Fingertips

Embellishing your webpages with colors is an effortless endeavor in Tailwind CSS, thanks to its expansive color palette. Invoking a color simply requires applying the appropriate class to the HTML element. The general format for text colors is text-{color} and bg-{color} for backgrounds. Each color comes in various shades, which can be specified by extending the class with a dash and the shade number.

Here’s a quick example:

<div class="text-purple-500 bg-green-200">
  Purple text against a light green backdrop.

In this example above, the text color is a shade of purple (text-purple-500), while the background color is a light shade of green (bg-green-200).

Personalizing Your Palette

The default palette in Tailwind is comprehensive but not restrictive; users can adapt it to their specific project needs. This is achieved via theme configuration in the tailwind.config.js file. Tailwind lets you extend the default theme configuration with your values.


module.exports = {
  theme: {
    extend: {
      colors: {
        "theme-orange": "#FF7F50",

The above code adds a custom color named ‘theme-orange’ to the default color palette. You can then use this custom color as any other predefined color in Tailwind:

<div class="text-theme-orange">This text is in theme orange color.</div>

Adding Dimension with Shades

Tailwind CSS also allows you to define custom colors with multiple shades, making your color scheme even more flexible and adjustable. You can do this by providing an object instead of a single color value, each property and value representing a shade and its corresponding color code.


module.exports = {
  theme: {
    extend: {
      colors: {
        "theme-green": {
          light: "#99d98c",
          DEFAULT: "#52b788",
          dark: "#388e3c",

In this configuration, the theme-green color has three shades (light, DEFAULT, and dark). The DEFAULT keyword represents the default shade that will be applied if no shade is specified:

<div class="text-theme-green-light">Light theme green text.</div>
<div class="text-theme-green">Default theme green text.</div>
<div class="text-theme-green-dark">Dark theme green text.</div>

The above examples show how to use the different shades of the custom theme-green color.

Arbitrary Values - The Ace Up Tailwind’s Sleeve

One of the additions to Tailwind CSS in version 2.2 is the ability to use arbitrary values for colors. This feature allows developers to specify almost any color right in the class name, offering an even greater degree of freedom.

Utilizing arbitrary color values is as easy as this:

<div class="text-[#1da1f2]">This text is an arbitrary color.</div>

In the example above, the arbitrary color #1da1f2 is directly applied to the text class. This feature extends beyond colors; it can also be used with many other CSS properties.

Drawing the Palette to a Close

Reviewing Tailwind CSS’s handling of colors, it’s apparent that the developers have gone the extra mile. Out of the box, you have access to an impressive palette, but they didn’t stop there. You also get extensive customization options, extending the color scheme to meet your project’s unique needs.

The real gem though is the ability to use arbitrary values, particularly for colors. This means that virtually any color can be injected directly into your utility classes, providing an exceptional level of flexibility.

As always, exploring a tool like Tailwind CSS is an ongoing process, full of exciting discoveries, like these ones about color management. Who knows what else we’ll unearth as we continue to dig deeper? Well, that’s a task (and adventure) for another day, stay tuned!